Feedback is an important item in the learning process. You can also give quality feedback digitally, both synchronously and asynchronously. Below, we give you 4 tips that can help you do this:

  1. Keep in mind that face-to-face feedback and online (written) feedback are different. Your online feedback may therefore come across in a completely different way than you intended. Think carefully about the way you formulate your feedback!
  2. Do not give generic feedback, but specific and personal feedback. This way your learners know that you have taken the time to review their progress and that you are really there to help them.
  3. Give both positive and negative feedback to your students. Use your feedback to clarify why something is good or bad. This way, your learners will immediately know what they did well and what they should improve in. If you do this, there is no need to email back and forth for more details.
  4. End your feedback with a motivating and positive message. This encourages your learners!